Shortlisted for Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs

Hip hip hooray!!!!

Last Thursday my name was officially announced as being shortlisted for the Student Nursing times Award for Outstanding Contribution To Student Affairs. Wow what a feeling to see my name out there with so many other worthy and inspired students. So proud to run with Wolverhampton University Pack I think it says a great deal about the University that we have had three students shortlisted, myself, Ian Unit and Rachel Ashworth please follow the link for more information.

In other news, I feel immense pride that the poem I wrote and recited for Nurses’ day has been transformed by the Wolverhampton University Art Department and now hangs on one of the walls of the Nursing floor along with art work depicting Nurses such as Florence Nightingale. To top it off, I now have the honour of being able to say it will be shared within the RCN’s online poetry collection which is being released in celebration of World Poetry Day on March 21st.

I argue that having dyslexia is not a negative, it can be a positive! For having dyslexia makes you find ways of coping and learning. For me I would argue all I needed was to understand why I struggled and to be told that I could, if I wanted to, do or achieve anything. It is only our imagination stops us from doing this.

Go forth and don’t just astonish others but astonish yourself. Amazing things can happen when you are supported and understood.

Links to support - As always you can contact me if I can be of any assistance. 


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