Part Four of 8 months a Nurse :You gota fight for ya right to write


You gota fight for ya right to write

Today I wanted to talk about writing freehand, which is something that has caused me much anxiety and distress  especially when writing: nursing notes, 1-2-1s, filling in admissions referrals, MDT prep sheets  as well as other documents that require being filled in by hand .

I don’t know how you feel about writing freehand but I have find it very intimidating at times ,especially when under pressure for time  or when I’m tired, I find that words that I can spell normally I misspell when writing freehand. I also struggle to find the words I am looking  while writing . I have even been known to write words backwards without realising, I have even made up words  .Some of my issues around writing freehand were explained to me by my Neurodiversity trainer which I will go into further in my next blog. Basically a lot of my issues are a result of my working memory shrinking when under pressure and the fact I do not file blocks of information away alphabetically or store the information logically.

These issues i have began to overcome by putting in place strategies that assist me in managing and supporting my memory and assisting and prompting  me when my working memory is under pressure and consequently  results in it temporally shrinking which effects my ability  retrieve   information. 

My main strategy i use are my two books I use  when I am at work they help me manage my working memory. I have my red book  which I call my bible which has contact numbers ,frameworks ,Cheat sheets ,prompts and tools that I have developed, I refer to these when i am under pressure and i am struggling with my memory or when i just need a reminder the book provides me with  prompts and reminders which helps me manage any anxieties i may have when under pressure . 

My black book contains a list of words I regularly misspell and alternatives to that word.  I also use this book to make notes and lists which again helps me manage my memory and day. I personally use a A5 note book yes its big but I put a lot of information in it ,which helps me manage my anxieties and my dyslexia .  

i also use the google talk search tool to check my spelling (This really Helps )

in the eight months i have been qualified  as a RMN my fear of writing has dissipated i believe this partly down to the  strategies I've discussed . I make sure i have time to write clearly effectively and proficiently.

When carrying out named nurse role I've liaised with my manger and have supernumerary time every week to assist me so that my dyslexia does not prejudice me in carrying out my role 

these are simple things to do but make a world of difference to own confidence 

Please if you have any comments or want to share  the strategies you use  please get in touch and lets share .

Keep strong and believe

Please find some links for dyslexia support however please contact me if I can help in anyway

British Dyslexia Association

UK Dyslexia action

Wolverhampton University Student Support and Wellbeing webpage

UCAS  DSA information

Pattos website to help find an assessor


Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia: a toolkit for nursing staff

If you require a assessment please look at :


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