
Showing posts from June, 2019

Dissertation time, Exam time, revision time, Strategy time

Studying a Nursing degree can be intimidating at times; juggling both the academic and practical side of placements. There is a need for good scheduling to plan your time. As I mention in my last blog it has been a busy study time of late due to my Viva exam and writing my dissertation. The academic side of uni life can be a bit intimidating at times and dyslexia only exasperates these anxieties. Below are some of my strategies to combat this Firstly 1.  Plan your time  2.  DO NOT procrastinate  If you have a big project or multiple projects on the go and you don't know where to start, here are 6 strategies which can help you to plan your time effectively and reduce your stres s levels. Write a to do list: this will help prevent you from “conveniently” finding  excuses to avoid unpleasant and overwhelming tasks.   Prioritise your to-do list. This will enable you to quickly identify activities you need to be focusing on and the ones that you can leav

Spoke placements, spoke in the wheel or spoke in the Works

Firstly, sorry for not posting recently; life has been so very full on of late with preparation for exams and the dreaded ‘D’ word (dissertation). All this on top of the mind blowing whirlwind of emotions involved in attending the Student Nursing Times Awards, trying to find time to write my poetry and attend placement which leads me nicely on to this blog “ Spoke placements, spoke in the wheel or spoke in the Works ”     What is a spoke placement? For those who have not experienced a spoke placement, The NMC Standards for Pre-registratio n Nurse Education (2010)   argues that a spoke placement allows for a more flexible and innovative approach to practice learning. Spoke placements can last anything from 1 to 4 weeks and works alongside the hub placement. Typically, hub placements last longer, between 4 to 11 weeks, depending on a student’s year of study.   Positives/Negatives For me I find anything less than 3 weeks in a placement a wasted learning opportunity,