Part Two of 8 Months a Nurse :As One Journey Ends Another Begins

As one journey ends another begins On the 19 th of January the journey that I began on six years ago came to a end as all my endeavours came to fruition, qualifying with a 2:1 BSc Hons degree in Mental Health Nursing my journey has been full of highs lows self-doubt and self- discovery. I have met so many wonderful people and made friendships that will last a lifetime, I have grown in so many ways learnt so much and experienced so much I’ve seen a new life come in to the world and held the hand as one has left .Arguably the main thing is I’ve learned to enjoy learning something I never did as child. This may be that as back when i was in School I did not now I was dyslexic, I all new was I found reading writing and learning in my earlier blogs i discussed how being diagnosed with dyslexia in my 50s has been life defining and helped me understand me myself and my past .This has consequently led to me taking control of how I learn and led to me findi...